When the rumors started swirling that Anne Sinclair was planning to leave her then-husband Dominique Strauss-Kahn it didn't come as any surprise, nor could we blame her, and now that she's talking openly about their split, she sounds like she's doing well. Sinclair confirmed the divorce for the first time in an interview with Le Parisien on Friday, following a year and a half in which Strauss-Kahn faced sexual assault charges in New York and then aggravated pimping charges in France. Most reports are going with one takeaway quote in particular, per The Telegraph: "I'm in good form, I've been on holiday, I'm working hard, I'm focusing on the American elections."
Sinclair edits Le Huffington Post, the French version of The Huffington Post. She also talked about her trip to the United States over the summer, which happened under far better circumstances than last summer's enforced stay while Strauss-Kahn was under house arrest in New York (translated by Google from Le Parisien): "I first went to see one of my daughters in New York... But I also met Arianna Huffington, just to fill us up on the U.S. elections." Sinclair is pleased to have Isabelle Adjani playing her in the movie Abel Ferrara is working on about the Strauss-Kahn affair: "I love this woman." And Sinclair is enjoying her independence: "I am free to live my life the way I want without being accountable to anyone."

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