Hm. There is going to be a third movie in the Before Sunrise/Sunset franchise. (Franchise. Ha.), Ethan Hawke has confirmed. Which... Those movies are great and wonderful and so, so good and all that, but do we really need a third one? I liked the ambiguity of Before Sunset's ending. It wasn't all that ambiguous really, but you know. It ended in medias res and presumably their lives continued on away from the cameras and that was that. That was good. A third one seems odd. Or implies that they didn't stay together after the last one. I dunno. Also, what the hell do you call it? Before Lunchtime? That's kind of between those two things, right? [Vulture]
As we mentioned earlier, our long national nightmare will soon be over. MTV has announced that the sixth season of Jersey Shore, basically the network's most popular show ever, will be its last. Yup. Snooks, Sitchaytion, Fat One, Stinks, and the rest of 'em will finally be interred in their graves sometime this winter. And the even better news is that MTV will not be continuing the show with a new cast, as was once threatened. This is it. No more. Italian Americans will soon be able to raise their heads high again. New Jersey, despoiled sad New Jersey, will no longer be the nation's bitter laughingstock. Well, ha, no, that's not true, yer always gonna be burnt, Jersey, but you'll be a little bit better, at least. The people of Seaside Heights can poke their heads outside of their houses and once again see the sun and hear the ocean calling to them like a sweet freedom bell. This is good for America. Whatever happens in November, this is good. [The Hollywood Reporter]
Mercy and The Lucky One actress Taylor Schilling is leaving the world of network TV and big screen romances behind and starring on a show on Netflix. Yup. Weeds creator Jenji Kohan is doing a show for the internet TV thing called Orange Is the New Black, about a white lady who goes to jail. That's basically the premise? It was a book written by a Smith grad who got involved with drug dealers and was convicted of money laundering and went to a minimum security prison in Danbury for a year and a half. But it's a story because, I dunno, she is white and went to college. Which... I don't know. It sits weird with me. That's all. Anyway, Taylor Schilling, ladies and gentlemen. Doing internet TV. [Deadline]
Here is an explanation of who all the characters are going to be on the upcoming season of American Horror Story. (I refuse to call it American Horror Story: Asylum because that is dumb.) Lots of nuns. Everyone looks weird. Chloë Sevigny likes doin' it. Jessica Lange is evil. Oh, and apparently there are creepy things called the Raspers that live in the woods that are experiments gone bad? That could be spooky. I dunno. What if this is bad? The first season was gunky fun, but this is Ryan Murphy we're talking about. He tends to ruin his shows pretty quickly. It's just a thought that struck me today: We have no idea. What if this is bad? It could very easily be bad! Just a scary thought to think about until the scary show starts. [Entertainment Weekly]
Here's a trailer for Robert Robert's new film The Company You Keep, about the Weather Underground and the various members of the organization who went into hiding. Redford is one of those people, as is Susan Sarandon, while Shia LaBerffff plays a reporter investigating some old WU crime gone awry. It looks kinda good, in a classy thriller kind of way. But man. LaBoof. Does anyone like Shia LaBiff anymore? I don't think anyone does. Shoulda gone with, I dunno, Josh Hartnett. What's he doing these days? Maybe he went into hiding! Look into it, LaBorf! Wait, no, don't. We'll get someone else to do it.
And here is a trailer for The Iceman, about a real-life mob hitman, played by Michael Shannon, and all the people he knows or whatever. One of the people he knows is his wife, who is played here by Winona Ryder! Yay Winona! Keep going, girl. You're almost there. You're almost back. You think you can, you think you can, you think you can. Come on, almost there. Free Winona! Ahem. Sorry. It's just... Haven't we all missed Winona Ryder a lot? We're not saying we want a Reality Bites sequel or anything, but, y'know, it's just good to see her. Anyway, movie looks good!

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