DENVER (CBS4) – The first list of Pro Football Hall of Fame candidates was released this week and among the 127 players is former Denver Broncos center Tom Nalen.
Nalen’s credentials are very good. He’s won two Super Bowls, been to five Pro Bowls and the Broncos rushed for more yards when he was the center than any other team in the NFL over his 12-year career. He also led the way for 143 rushing performances over 100 yards or more.
Nalen said he’s not really thought about being inducted into the Hall of Fame.
“It’s not something I’ve had in the back of my mind at all. People would mention that to me and I would just kind of blow it off,” Nalen said. “It’s not something I planned on doing when I was drafted here … I just enjoyed playing football.”
CBS4′s Gary Miller asked Nalen if he could introduce him if he somehow gets inducted into the Hall of Fame.
“Absolutely, you and the other 30 people I’ve promised,” Nalen said laughing.
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